Monday, 24 March 2008

The Simpsons Game Review

Available on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

I bought the Simpsons Game because I enjoyed the Simpsons Road Rage, Hit & Run and Wrestling games on my last console (PS2). Thinking back, I probably enjoyed them more than any other games I had at the time. I always found the Simpsons games funny, and I never had to work out what the characters motives were.

The Simpsons Game has naughtier (and funnier) jokes than mainstream Simpsons episodes.

It's chock-full of references to past episodes and popular culture.

The puzzles were not too hard or too easy. I didn't spend too much time yelling at the screen, nor did I finish it in an hour.

As the game is supposed to be a parody of other games, it ends up being a varied, interesting experience. Dance Dance Revolution, Space Invaders, Pokémon, Medal of Honor and Zelda are parodied - just to name a few, of course.

Once you have completed all the levels there are still things to do.

There are no drivable vehicles in this game. I found this very disappointing as I really enjoyed driving around Springfield in Road Rage and Hit & Run.

I would recommend this game to you if you have kept up with popular culture and/or enjoy Simpsons humour.



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